...With these amazing jewellery items I stumbled upon from TomTom via the Man Repeller. I want them all as Christmas presents. Unfortunately for me, I have no close connections to people with disposable income. But hey, a girl can dream! Anywho, enjoy:
Au revoir xx
22 December 2010
12 December 2010
11 November 2010
Julie Morstad
I've been meaning to write this post for a long, long time, but I haven't gotten around to it until now. I also realize that I haven't posted at all since my birthday. Woops, life got in the way. Anyways, while fiddling around on the internet, I stumbled upon the work of Julie Morstad. Basically, I'm in love. Enjoy:
copyright Julie Morstad. I do not own these!
Au revoir xx
copyright Julie Morstad. I do not own these!
Au revoir xx
21 August 2010
A Birthday post!
So my birthday was last Saturday and I got a number of wonderful gifts. I figured I might as well share them!
I got two lovely t-shirts, another shirt, a skirt, a necklace and various other things.
A lovely Sound of Young America t-shirt. I adore the radio program and I felt really cool wearing the shirt. Plus, it's a cute little squid! To see the design in detail, you can click here.
This one is a shirt from the lovely webcomic Hark! a vagrant. I've been eying it for a long time, and now, at long last, I have it! You can see it in detail right here.
This is a blouse from my mum from the store Boden. I absolutely love it. The ruffles make it even better.
That's all for now!
Au Revoir xx
I got two lovely t-shirts, another shirt, a skirt, a necklace and various other things.
A lovely Sound of Young America t-shirt. I adore the radio program and I felt really cool wearing the shirt. Plus, it's a cute little squid! To see the design in detail, you can click here.
This one is a shirt from the lovely webcomic Hark! a vagrant. I've been eying it for a long time, and now, at long last, I have it! You can see it in detail right here.
This is a blouse from my mum from the store Boden. I absolutely love it. The ruffles make it even better.
This is a skirt that my lovely friend Alix made for me. She's amazing. Also, the fabric is fantastic and really pretty, which you can't quite see from the photo. Here's a closer look.
Last, but certainly not least, is a necklace from my mum. I'm not sure where she got it, but it's really nice. The bottom part (with the tree) is a locket, which is nice.
That's all for now!
Au Revoir xx
15 July 2010
A Blast From the Past
Goodness, you have no idea how much I struggled not to use such a clichéd title. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Anyway, I was reading the lovely blog Clever Nettle and stumbled upon a post on dresses from the Met's website. They're awesome. Enjoy:
13 July 2010
Think for yourself. Question Authority.
No, this is not some teenage rebellion post, I'm simply quoting the amazing, talented Bill Hicks. This bit is played as an intro to the Tool song "Third Eye" when the band plays it live. Speaking of the band playing live, I got to see them in concert. My goodness what an experience. They were so great live. And did I mention the show was completely sold out? Well it was. And you know what that means. It was packed. They played at the Bill Graham Civic Theater in San Francisco and my friend Drew and I were right there. It's basically a dream come true for me. And I don't use that term lightly. It's been my dream since I first started listening to them over a year ago to see them in concert. And they sure as hell delivered. I realise they have nothing to do with fashion or whatever the hell else this blog is about, but as far as I'm concerned, they're one of the most phenomenal bands ever. So therefore I will write about them. Or rather, I will gush about them.
(photo from here)
They played a two hour set. Which was really only about 12 or 13 songs, given the length of each one, but was amazing, nonetheless. Me being short, I couldn't actually see anyone in the band, except for the occasional glimpses of guitarist Adam Jones. But goodness, the concert was amazing. Minus the toes being stomped upon and the drinks being spilt. But I guess that adds to the character of the show. Also, minus one drunk asshole who decided to push me into the mosh pit. Tool concerts are really not for moshing.
I was kinda disappointed that they didn't play "Wings Part 2", because as Drew put it, "If they played that song, everyone would be crying. I would've been crying too." That is the effect of the song. And I imagine even more so live.
So, now that I have gloated, why don't you take a listen?
(photo from here)
They played a two hour set. Which was really only about 12 or 13 songs, given the length of each one, but was amazing, nonetheless. Me being short, I couldn't actually see anyone in the band, except for the occasional glimpses of guitarist Adam Jones. But goodness, the concert was amazing. Minus the toes being stomped upon and the drinks being spilt. But I guess that adds to the character of the show. Also, minus one drunk asshole who decided to push me into the mosh pit. Tool concerts are really not for moshing.
I was kinda disappointed that they didn't play "Wings Part 2", because as Drew put it, "If they played that song, everyone would be crying. I would've been crying too." That is the effect of the song. And I imagine even more so live.
So, now that I have gloated, why don't you take a listen?
04 June 2010
Demain, Dès l'Aube
(image via weheartit)
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.
Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur ma pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit'
Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour mou sera comme la nuit.
Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.
(Poem by Victor Hugo)
I was reading this poem for French class. I absolutely adore it. It is just so beautiful, and sad as well.
A rough translation (feel free to correct me, two blog readers):
Tomorrow, at dawn, when the countryside whitens,
I will leave. You see, I know that you are waiting for me.
I will travel through the forest, I will travel through the mountains.
I can not stay far from you any longer.
I will walk with my eyes fixed upon my thoughts,
Without anything to see outside, without hearing any noises,
Alone, a stranger, back bent, hands crossed,
Sad, and to me day will be like night.
I will not look at the gold of the evening that falls,
Nor the far away sails descending towards Harfleur,
And when I arrive, I will place upon your grave
A bouquet of green holly and heather in bloom.
Oh how I love Victor Hugo.
Au Revoir xx
21 May 2010
The last songs....
...I will ever record (part 1) is my new favourite record. It's by the wonderful, talented, and above all, amazing Mike Phirman. The songs are absolutely hilarious and very clever. Everyone should listen to them! You can listen to the album by clicking on the lovely album art below:
Au revoir xx
Au revoir xx
29 April 2010
I was reduced to nothing more than a silly fangirl upon seeing this (warning: contains some swearing, if you are a pure, innocent child):
I am so incredibly excited for this film to come out. Bill Hicks was one of my favourite comedians/people of all time. (OF ALL TIME!) So it's about time they made a tribute film. Oh goodness am I excited. Every time I watch this I become more excited about this film. Eeeeee!
Au Revoir xx
I am so incredibly excited for this film to come out. Bill Hicks was one of my favourite comedians/people of all time. (OF ALL TIME!) So it's about time they made a tribute film. Oh goodness am I excited. Every time I watch this I become more excited about this film. Eeeeee!
Au Revoir xx
20 April 2010
The Mariner
This set I made has got me in such a summery mood. Basically I saw the shirt on net-a-porter.com and it seemed sort of sailor-ish. So I decided to make an outfit with that theme. Of course I was trying to find those sailor-y shorts, but I decided these Chloé shorts were just too good. So the Paul and Joe shirt and the Tory Burch sandals combined with that are really what I like about this set.
Shirt, shorts, and sandals from net-a-porter.com. For more info on the set you can check it out on my Polyvore page here.
Au Revoir xx
p.s - I'm really starting to get the hang of Polyvore. It's fun.
Shirt, shorts, and sandals from net-a-porter.com. For more info on the set you can check it out on my Polyvore page here.
Au Revoir xx
p.s - I'm really starting to get the hang of Polyvore. It's fun.
17 April 2010
Miu Miu (x2)
(rhyme time!)
So I'm a bit late on the collections. Err...more than a bit. But anyways, I thought I'd share my favourite looks from the Miu Miu Spring '10 and Fall '10 Ready-to-Wear collections.


Photos from style.com
I'm also a fan of these shoes:
(photo from net-a-porter.com)
Au Revoir xx
So I'm a bit late on the collections. Err...more than a bit. But anyways, I thought I'd share my favourite looks from the Miu Miu Spring '10 and Fall '10 Ready-to-Wear collections.


Photos from style.com
I'm also a fan of these shoes:
(photo from net-a-porter.com)
Au Revoir xx
16 April 2010
I love Shanghai.
Really. I do. And I bought some stuff there. Which I like. And I'm not speaking very well today. Please don't mind me. Me and mum raced off to Uniqlo, which is a lovely Japanese store/company. They've got three stores in Shanghai, a bunch more in Japan, probably some elsewhere in China. As well as some stores elsewhere. But alas, their only US store as of late is in New York. Which is far away from me. By a lot. So, my mum and I bought things there first. The things I bought there were:

A lovely blazer-type jacket. Which I've been wearing non-stop since.

This tee-shirt, which I wore to a MUSE concert. (italics, bold..ness, and capital letters for emphasis. maybe a post later on it? If I have decent pictures.).
And those things, along with some socks because I was running out, were what I bought at Uniqlo. I wish I could've bought more things there, but the jacket was expensive enough for me (a whopping 299 RMB, which is about 45 US dollars, if I got that conversion right. So I'm broke. And $45 is a bit much for me to spend. On anything except maybe a concert ticket every once in a while.)
All the other things I bought were from various stores and such that didn't have any websites or online...things. And my camera is icky. So I'll see if I can get those up at some point.
再见 xx
Really. I do. And I bought some stuff there. Which I like. And I'm not speaking very well today. Please don't mind me. Me and mum raced off to Uniqlo, which is a lovely Japanese store/company. They've got three stores in Shanghai, a bunch more in Japan, probably some elsewhere in China. As well as some stores elsewhere. But alas, their only US store as of late is in New York. Which is far away from me. By a lot. So, my mum and I bought things there first. The things I bought there were:

A lovely blazer-type jacket. Which I've been wearing non-stop since.

This tee-shirt, which I wore to a MUSE concert. (italics, bold..ness, and capital letters for emphasis. maybe a post later on it? If I have decent pictures.).
And those things, along with some socks because I was running out, were what I bought at Uniqlo. I wish I could've bought more things there, but the jacket was expensive enough for me (a whopping 299 RMB, which is about 45 US dollars, if I got that conversion right. So I'm broke. And $45 is a bit much for me to spend. On anything except maybe a concert ticket every once in a while.)
All the other things I bought were from various stores and such that didn't have any websites or online...things. And my camera is icky. So I'll see if I can get those up at some point.
再见 xx
18 March 2010
Oh goodness....
See, here's the problem with trying to be an overachiever (which I am not by any measure): stress. This is the most stressful year of my life. I mean, hey, I even got shingles (that nasty version of chicken pox that old people get), which is caused exclusively by stress. Well, that and having gotten a chicken pox vaccine in childhood which had a live form of the virus. Not to mention the stress acne. I'm not one to really stress (haha) about my skin, so it doesn't bother me too much, but come on, life, why does this happen? See, the problem with me is that I get so overwhelmed by the littlest things. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather go home than hang out with my friends, if only so I can have an hour or two to relax before my parents get home and start nagging me. It's terrible. If the me of last year looked at the me of now, I don't know what she'd think. I don't know what I think.
All I can tell is that I really, really, really need a break. And come summer I'll probably be too worried about next school year to be able to relax. Or I'll sit around and do nothing and get depressed. And gain shittons of weight, which is what I tend to do when I have no motivation to go out and do something. Which brings me to my next point, this lovely thing I like to call stress eating. Basically eating instead of doing any work. Because I can. Which is incredibly unhealthy. And add that to not having any time for excercise, which is really a lie because I definitely have time, I just like convincing myself I have too much other stuff, and you get a very unhappy me. Who is stressed about her weight and still has her mother glaring at her and telling her she should get more excercise.
Phew. Long post. And now I must stop griping.
Au revoir xx
12 March 2010
In the Sun
Guess who's got a new single out? Only my favourite people ever. That being She and Him, or Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward. They're fantastic.
Here you go:
Au Revoir xx
Here you go:
Au Revoir xx
09 March 2010
n' Phirm!
You may be wondering of what or whom I speak. So...ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comedic genius of Chris Hardwick and Mike Phirman, or Hard n' Phirm. They are my favourite.
You may be wondering of what or whom I speak. So...ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comedic genius of Chris Hardwick and Mike Phirman, or Hard n' Phirm. They are my favourite.
(P.S. - I'm quite a nerd.)
Au Revoir xx
05 March 2010
03 March 2010
The cat's in the cradle...

...and the Silver spoon..

Little boy blue...

...and the man in the moon

words (c) Harry Chapin 1974
images from we heart it
I like cats. A lot.
Au revoir xx
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